Students conducted walkability assessments in two rural Woodbury County Communities. Using data from the assessments, students used ArcGIS Online to create a map of each community’s walkability strengths and weaknesses.
In September 2014, Siouxland District Health Department (SDHD) was awarded a 3 year grant from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) entitled Partnership to Improve Community Health (PICH). With the support of this grant, SDHD and the Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council (SIMPCO) have been very successful at implementing Safe Routes to School and Walking School Bus projects in Sioux City and Sergeant Bluff. With the help of students and faculty in a University of Iowa Health and Human Physiology Department course, their efforts were extended to two other communities in Woodbury County, IA.
Students also prepared a color-coded excel spreadsheet and geo-located photographs of each community’s walkability challenges. These deliverables were shared with the community leaders, and played an essential role in moving the communities towards a built environment that encourages safe and healthy physical activity.